SuperLite: More made in the USA than you think - GoFastCampers

SuperLite: More made in the USA than you think

February 08, 2021 1 min read 23 Comments

SuperLite: More made in the USA than you think

SuperLite is on the move! We’ve started shipping our first batch. It’s not as easy as slapping a label on them and throwing them on a truck. There’s a lot of backend work that’s been going on here at the shop the past few weeks to get this project up and running. See what went into building up the SuperLite assembly line in the video below!


23 Responses


August 07, 2022

Why don’t you guys reply to the comments?

Connie waite
Connie waite

August 01, 2022

Make these for a 4door jeep with access from inside? My son wants one of these for his truck but heard you went out of business.must not of been able to connect with you

Nicholas E.
Nicholas E.

August 01, 2022

Thanks for sharing the updates, can’t wait to get mine!


August 01, 2022

This is really unique, and I think it is for me.

Chuck Chavez
Chuck Chavez

March 10, 2021

Super excited. June cant come quick enough!


March 10, 2021

Excited to see the updates, and proud that this is made in the USA and supporting US Jobs!

Mike B
Mike B

March 10, 2021

Just placed my order for the Superlite!! Very excited – and hoping the wait won’t be too long!! Got some summer camping to do!!

Todd Bruen
Todd Bruen

March 10, 2021

Can’t Wait…… Keep us posted please!

Naomi Gray
Naomi Gray

March 10, 2021

Near tears, it’s beautiful. Thank you guys so much!


August 01, 2022

Do you have a link or post that shows all of the updates that were made to the design of the Superlite? Graham mentioned it very quickly in a recent YouTube video with LLOD. Thanks!! Looks great btw!!!


March 10, 2021

Awesome video guys. Just ordered mine today. So pumped!

Josh G
Josh G

March 10, 2021

I’m glad to see some things still made by hand! Thank you for sharing the process and the shop. I can’t wait to get my hands on my SuperLite and use it all over the western US.

Ed  A.
Ed A.

March 10, 2021

Thank you for sharing
That’s is awesome
You guys are doing a fantastic job
Owning a made in the USA 🇺🇸 RTT Sufferlite Tent is awesome
I can wait


March 10, 2021

nice video – like the dog cameo. appreciated, was good to see the honeycomb and process behind the scenes, individual guys making it happen. Really cool esthetics your company has & company culture. It will be a pleasure to put in my order for a superlight, a product I was waiting to appear, minimalist , pure function, quality and individual, not a mass market item( well at least for 5 ,ore years til your bought out ).
Keep it up! The Baja 1000 start is 45 mins from my house here in San Diego if you want to personally want to drop it off cheers!

Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor

February 12, 2021

So rad to see the love and work that goes into this! Super excited to get my tent! Much love and respect to you all. I feel like like I’m stealing this at the cost I paid.

Dan Rodriguez
Dan Rodriguez

February 12, 2021

Thanks for the constant updates!

Serg Triffid
Serg Triffid

August 01, 2022

Hello. What material do you use for the light version of the tent? How much lighter has the tent become than a normal tent?

David Cook
David Cook

February 12, 2021

Great job on the template . Thanks for sharing and creating Montana jobs.

Daniel Albert
Daniel Albert

February 12, 2021

Awesome! Thank you for these updates and all of the forethought, design, adjustments to make this such a desirable “Made in the USA” RTT! looking forward to getting it and sending some pictures.

Ken Austin
Ken Austin

March 11, 2021

oh Boy !
maybe I get to camp this spring !

Jessica F
Jessica F

February 12, 2021

Thanks for the update guys! Always cool to see how stuff is made. It’s like the Behind the Scenes in a movie but I get a cool tent at the end.


February 12, 2021

A CNC router would make that whole process go A LOT faster… but good on ya, here is looking up to when you guys can move up to lasers and more CNC!

Greg O.
Greg O.

February 10, 2021

Great work. Thank you for sharing and making us feel like part of the process.

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